Fintech Startup's Compliance with DORA's ICT Risk Management Requirements


A fintech startup uses multiple cloud service providers for data storage and processing. How should it approach compliance with DORA's ICT risk management requirements?

Executive Summary

Fintech startups leveraging cloud services must carefully manage ICT risks in compliance with the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). Key directives for constructing a resilient ICT framework are as follows:

  • ICT Risk Management Framework: Develop a comprehensive framework, assigning an independent control function to manage ICT risks, aligned with the company’s risk tolerance.
  • System Maintenance and Up-to-Date Protocols: Ensure that all ICT systems, including those provided by cloud services, are current and scaled appropriately for the company’s operational needs.
  • Incident Management Process: Establish a process for detecting, managing, and reporting ICT-related incidents, with pre-emptive mechanisms for threat management.
  • Digital Operational Resilience Testing: Implement a continuous testing program to evaluate and improve ICT systems, including those managed by third-party providers.
  • Third-Party Risk Integration and Contractual Clarity: Integrate risks from cloud service providers into overall ICT risk management and establish clear contractual terms with these providers for accountability.
  • Information Sharing and Cyber Threat Intelligence: Engage in cyber threat information exchange to enhance collective industry defense capabilities.

By adhering to these practices, fintech startups can align their operations with DORA’s stipulations for digital operational resilience.


Given the ambiguities in the legal question, the following assumptions will be made to guide the legal analysis:

  1. Scope of Financial Services: Assume the fintech startup provides services that could potentially be critical or important within the financial sector.

  2. Relationship with Cloud Service Providers: Assume the cloud services are integral to the startup’s operational functionality and involve processing activities that may affect the startup’s risk exposure.

  3. Data Sensitivity and Processing Activities: Assume the data includes various categories that may be subject to regulatory requirements, including personal data.

  4. Startup’s Size and Complexity: Assume the startup has operations that are sufficiently complex to warrant a comprehensive review of DORA’s full suite of ICT risk management requirements.

  5. Existing ICT Risk Management Practices: Assume the startup has some level of ICT risk management practices in place, but these may need adaptation or enhancement to meet DORA’s standards.

PDF Repository

We have searched through the PDF repository of draft EBA and ESMA guidelines, draft technical standards, and other documents to provide this supplemental answer.


The following supplemental answer expands upon previously provided guidance to further assist the fintech startup in aligning with DORA's ICT risk management requirements. This addendum integrates relevant insights from supplementary legal documents, providing a more detailed approach to managing cloud service provider relationships and other aspects fundamental to operational resilience.

Legal trace

Establishing Standards and Resources for ICT Service Providers

expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information-security, appropriate organisational structure, including risk management, and internal controls that the ICT third party service providers should have in place. (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards to specify the detailed content of the policy in relation to the contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers as mandated by DORA, page 9

This quote stresses the importance of ensuring that cloud service providers engaged by the fintech startup have the necessary expertise, resources, and organizational structures in place to manage ICT risks effectively. These are prerequisites in the selection process, aligning with the ICT risk management framework proposed by DORA, to anticipate and mitigate potential ICT-related threats.

Developing and Managing ICT Service Use Lifecycles

The policy referred to in paragraph 1 shall define or refer to a methodology for determining which ICT services support critical or important functions. (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards to specify the detailed content of the policy in relation to the contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers as mandated by DORA, page 11

Implementing a clear methodology to differentiate ICT services that support critical or important functions is essential. It allows the fintech startup to concentrate risk management efforts on areas with the highest potential impact, consistent with DORA’s requirement for a resilient ICT framework.

Performance Assessment and Compliance Monitoring of ICT Providers

to assess the performance of ICT third-party service providers, including measures to monitor compliance with requirements regarding the confidentiality, availability, integrity and authenticity of data and information, and the compliance of the ICT third-party service providers with the financial entity’s relevant policies and procedures. (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards to specify the detailed content of the policy in relation to the contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers as mandated by DORA, page 17

It is critical for the startup to monitor its cloud service providers’ performance continually, especially concerning data confidentiality and integrity. This proactive monitoring is a core aspect of the comprehensive risk management practice that DORA advocates.

Formulating and Testing ICT Exit Strategies

include requirements for a documented exit plan for each ICT contractual arrangement on ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by an ICT third-party service provider and its periodic review and testing. (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards to specify the detailed content of the policy in relation to the contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers as mandated by DORA, page 18

The fintech startup must ensure that there are well-documented exit plans for all contract arrangements with third-party ICT service providers. This strategy is a safeguard recommended by DORA for maintaining continuous financial services in the event of a service provider change or interruption.

Multi-Element Due Diligence and Risk Assessment Approaches

Financial entities shall consider the scope and limitations of the elements listed in paragraph 3(a) and where appropriate, more than one element shall be used. (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards to specify the detailed content of the policy in relation to the contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers as mandated by DORA, page 14

Emphasizing the need for due diligence that incorporates multiple assessment elements helps ensure the fintech startup’s thorough evaluation of third-party cloud service providers. This multi-faceted approach aligns with DORA’s recommendations for a comprehensive ICT risk management strategy.

Alignment with Policy on Use of ICT Service

the policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers shall specify the requirements for each main phase of the lifecycle of the use of such ICT services. (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards to specify the detailed content of the policy in relation to the contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers as mandated by DORA, page 12

Aligning the startup’s policies with those of its ICT service providers throughout the entire service lifecycle ensures all critical functions are adequately supported. This is in harmony with DORA’s objective of ICT risk management throughout every stage of service provision, thus enhancing the startup’s overall digital operational resilience.