Compliance with DORA's Incident Reporting Requirements for Bank Cyber Attack


After our bank was affected by a significant cyber attack that disrupted our core services, I'm in charge of managing the situation. As the chief risk officer, what specific steps do I need to take to comply with DORA's incident reporting and what are the deadlines for these actions?

Executive Summary

In the wake of a cyber incident at your bank, aligning with the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is crucial for compliance and risk management. Here are the key actions you must take as the chief risk officer:

  • Incident Classification and Management: Evaluate the cyber attack to determine if it’s a major ICT-related incident and implement a documented incident management process to detect, manage, and mitigate the cyber threat.
  • Incident Recording: Keep thorough records of the incident, ensuring that root causes are documented and addressed to prevent future occurrences.
  • Reporting to Authorities: Report major incidents to the relevant authorities promptly, following established criteria for impact assessment based on client and economic impact.
  • Communication and Response: Establish a comprehensive communication plan to inform authorities and stakeholders; this should include early detection measures and incident response procedures.

Acting swiftly and efficiently on these points is imperative to satisfy DORA’s requirements and maintain operational resilience.


  1. Nature of the attack: The cyber attack led to a significant disruption affecting the core services of the bank.
  2. Time of awareness: We’ll assume the bank has just become aware of the cyber attack, triggering the initial reporting deadlines under DORA.
  3. Existence of subsequent effects: We’ll assume there may be ongoing effects of the cyber attack that are still being evaluated.
  4. Reach of the attack: We’ll assume the incident could potentially affect operations in multiple EU Member States, given the nature of banking services.
  5. Prior notifications: The bank has not yet initiated any reporting process related to the cyber attack.

PDF Repository

We have searched through the PDF repository of draft EBA and ESMA guidelines, draft technical standards, and other documents to provide this supplemental answer.


In follow-up to our initial analysis, this supplemental answer delves into further specifics as informed by related regulatory technical standards (RTS) under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). These details elaborate on the classification and reporting of major ICT-related incidents, as well as the management of incidents with significant cyber threats. This targeted information will provide a refined understanding and enhance the decision-making framework necessary for effective compliance.

Legal trace

An incident shall be considered a major incident for the purposes of Article 19 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 where it has had any impact on critical services as referred to in Article 6 and where one of the following is met: a) the materiality threshold of Article 13(b) has been met; or b) two or more materiality thresholds specified in this Section have been met. (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards specifying the criteria for the classification of ICT related incidents, materiality thresholds for major incidents and significant cyber threats under DORA, page 26

The above quote specifies the definitive conditions that elevate an ICT-related incident to a ‘major incident’ status, in line with Article 19 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554. It clarifies that a significant impact on critical services, in conjunction with meeting one or more materiality thresholds, dictates the requisite level of response and reporting sophistication expected of your institution.

Reporting Thresholds and Economic Impact

The materiality threshold for the criterion ‘clients, financial counterparts and transactions’ shall be met where any of the following conditions is met: a) the number of affected clients is higher than 10% of all clients using the affected service; or b) the number of affected clients is higher than 100,000 clients using the affected service; […] (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards specifying the criteria for the classification of ICT related incidents, materiality thresholds for major incidents and significant cyber threats under DORA, page 26

This excerpt emphasizes the significance of client impact in quantifying a cyber incident, outlining specific thresholds that must be considered when determining a major ICT-related incident. It enables your bank to discern whether the cyber attack’s scope necessitates reporting, an essential step in aligning with DORA’s incident response procedures.

The materiality threshold of the economic impact criterion in accordance with Article 7 shall be met where the costs and losses incurred by the financial entity from the major incident have exceeded or are likely to exceed EUR 100,000. (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards specifying the criteria for the classification of ICT related incidents, materiality thresholds for major incidents and significant cyber threats under DORA, page 28

This directive provides an economic perspective on incident materiality, where financial losses exceeding EUR 100,000 trigger major incident classification. It equips your institution with a clear financial benchmark for evaluating and potentially reporting the incident’s ramifications under DORA.

Reputational Impact Considerations

Any impact set out in Article 2 a) to d) shall be considered as meeting the threshold of the reputational impact criterion. (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards specifying the criteria for the classification of ICT related incidents, materiality thresholds for major incidents and significant cyber threats under DORA, page 27

Reputational impact is a nuanced but critical aspect of incident assessment. This provision stresses the need to appreciate a broad range of effects beyond mere operational and economic outcomes. It is a reminder of the importance of considering reputation within the bank’s overall incident reporting process.

Management of Recurring Non-major Incidents

Recurring incidents that individually do not constitute a major incident shall be considered as one major incident where the incidents meet all of the following conditions: a) the incidents have occurred at least twice within 6 months; […] (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards specifying the criteria for the classification of ICT related incidents, materiality thresholds for major incidents and significant cyber threats under DORA, page 28

The repetition of smaller-scale incidents can collectively equal a major incident, according to the above criterion. This informs your ongoing risk assessment strategies by highlighting the need to monitor and possibly report recurring ICT-related issues that could escalate in significance when viewed in aggregate.

Supplemental Reporting Protocols

Understanding precise criteria and applying specific materiality thresholds is critical when reporting cyber incidents. The provisions offer a legal backbone for meticulous incident documentation and reporting, a fundamental aspect of adherence to DORA’s mandates. Each step of the reporting protocol must be executed with precision, ensuring that every reported incident meets the stipulated conditions.


The details derived from the aforementioned regulatory technical standards supplement the initial DORA-related guidance by stipulating explicit thresholds and criteria for major incident classification and reporting. These additional insights fortify the bank’s incident response plan and aid in cultivating a structured, compliant approach to managing and disclosing significant cyber threats.