GDPR-Compliant Video Surveillance Implementation for Office Security.


As a business planning to install video surveillance in our office for security and performance monitoring, we've informed our employees but haven't received explicit consent.

How can we implement this in a GDPR-compliant way, especially regarding which office areas can be legally covered by video surveillance?

Executive Summary

In the context of video surveillance implementation within your office, GDPR compliance hinges on reconciling employee privacy rights with legitimate company interests. Here’s a consolidation of the key legal concerns and steps to take:

  • Legitimate Interests: Your business can rely on legitimate interests, like security and performance monitoring, as the basis for video surveillance if they don’t impinge on employees’ privacy rights.
  • Consent Considerations: Given the power disparity in employment, consent may not be considered freely given; thus, seeking alternative legal grounds such as legitimate interests could be more suitable.
  • Surveillance Scope and DPIA: Before surveillance, assess high-risk processing areas to determine if a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) is required, particularly in places accessible to the public.
  • Transparency and Information: Clearly inform employees about surveillance details - its purposes, legal basis, and their rights related to data collection.
  • Data Subject Rights: Ensure systems are in place to enable employees to access, rectify, or delete their personal data captured in surveillance.
  • Documenting Compliance: Maintain detailed, up-to-date records of video surveillance activities, reflecting lawful bases, scope, information provided to employees, and any DPIA conducted. Regular reviews are crucial for ongoing GDPR alignment.

PDF Repository

We have searched through the PDF repository of ECJ rulings, European Data Protection Board guidelines, and other documents to provide this supplemental answer.


The included excerpts from the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) Guidelines on Video Devices provide an analytical commentary on several aspects of GDPR compliance that are directly applicable to the implementation of video surveillance in a business environment. The guidelines offer concrete examples, clarify terms, and present a nuanced approach to processing personal data via video surveillance. This additional detail can assist in ensuring that your installation of video surveillance is GDPR-compliant.

Legal trace

  1. The legitimate interest needs to be of real existence and has to be a present issue … A real-life situation of distress needs to be at hand – such as damages or serious incidents in the past – before starting the surveillance… Those documented incidents can be a strong evidence for the existence of a legitimate interest. The existence of a legitimate interest as well as the necessity of the monitoring should be reassessed in periodic intervals… Guidelines 3/2019 on processing of personal data through video devices, page 10

The passage provides guidance on establishing a legitimate interest for video surveillance under Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. A legitimate interest must be a present, real issue, substantiated by documentation of past incidents. This articulates the importance of periodic reassessments of the necessity and legitimacy of video surveillance, which is directly relevant to the business’s question regarding the implementation of video surveillance for legitimate business interests.

  1. In general, the necessity to use video surveillance to protect the controllers’ premises ends at the property boundaries… In some individual cases it might be necessary to exceed the video surveillance to the immediate surroundings of the premises… Guidelines 3/2019 on processing of personal data through video devices, page 11

This section clarifies the limitation of video surveillance to the controller’s property, which is essential for determining where to place cameras in an office environment. It signifies that surveillance should generally not extend beyond property boundaries unless there’s a clear necessity, which should be considered carefully to remain GDPR-compliant.

  1. … a video surveillance system may only be put in operation, if the legitimate interests of the controller… are not overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject… Fundamental rights and freedoms on one hand and the controller’s legitimate interests on the other hand have to be evaluated and balanced carefully. Guidelines 3/2019 on processing of personal data through video devices, page 11

This excerpt emphasizes the required balancing act when considering video surveillance. The controller must carefully weigh their interests against the data subjects’ fundamental rights and freedoms. This balancing test is an essential part of the GDPR compliance process for any business considering video surveillance for security and performance monitoring.

  1. For instance, an employee in his/her workplace is in most cases not likely expecting to be monitored by his or her employer… Guidelines 3/2019 on processing of personal data through video devices, page 13

The guidelines point out that workplace monitoring is typically outside the reasonable expectation of employees, which is valuable when considering employee privacy rights during the implementation of surveillance systems in the office. This perspective on the expectations of employees should guide decisions on where and how surveillance is implemented within the business premises.

  1. Consent has to be freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous…
  2. Regarding systematic monitoring, the data subject’s consent can only serve as a legal basis in accordance with Article 7 in exceptional cases…
  3. Given the imbalance of power between employers and employees, in most cases employers should not rely on consent when processing personal data, as it is unlikely to be freely given… Guidelines 3/2019 on processing of personal data through video devices, page 14

The consent, as a legal ground for video surveillance, has limitations, particularly in the employment context where power imbalances may prevent it from being freely given. This guidance supports the notion in the AI Agent’s response that consent may not be the most appropriate basis for video surveillance in the workplace and underscores the complexity of using consent as a reliable legal basis.

Example: A private parking company has documented reoccurring problems with thefts in the cars parked… The parking company have a legitimate interest (preventing thefts in the customers’ cars) to monitor the area during the time of day that they are experiencing problems… Guidelines 3/2019 on processing of personal data through video devices, page 12

This practical example from the guidelines mirrors the business’s concern of ensuring security and can serve as a template for articulating legitimate interest in the context of implementing video surveillance.