DORA Requirements for Financial Entities


Can you list the main requirements DORA imposes on financial entities?

Executive Summary

DORA sets out expectations for the robust digital operational resilience of financial entities in the EU, encompassing a range of institutions including banks and crypto-asset services. The core elements of compliance are as follows:

  • Broad Application and Definition: DORA covers various financial entities and focuses on the continuous provision of services amid digital disruptions, emphasizing the need for comprehensive management of operational integrity.
  • ICT Risk Management: Institutions must implement a detailed ICT risk management framework, with strong governance structures to manage potential digital operational risks actively.
  • Incident Management and Reporting: Formal incident management and classification processes are required, along with the reporting of major incidents to competent authorities, ensuring transparency and prompt responses.
  • Testing and Third-Party Risks: A robust testing regime is mandated to uncover vulnerabilities, and risks from third-party ICT service providers must be integrated into the overall risk management framework.
  • Collaboration and Oversight: Financial entities are encouraged to share cyber threat intelligence, and there are provisions for the oversight of critical third-party ICT providers to manage systemic risks.
  • Enforcement and Consequences: Competent authorities have the power to oversee and enforce the regulation, with Member States expected to impose penalties and remedial measures for non-compliance.

These points encapsulate the main requirements that DORA imposes on financial entities, with a focus on preemptive actions, structured responses, and collective efforts for resilience in the digital ecosystem.


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PDF Repository

We have searched through the PDF repository of draft EBA and ESMA guidelines, draft technical standards, and other documents to provide this supplemental answer.


This supplemental answer provides additional insights into the operational requirements of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) for financial entities. It delves deeper into specific components of the ICT risk management framework, ICT asset management policy, vulnerability management, safeguarding cryptographic keys, and incorporation of third-party risk management as mandated by DORA.

Legal trace

ICT Security Policies Integration

Financial entities shall ensure that their ICT security policies concerning information security and related procedures, protocols and tools are embedded in the ICT risk management framework. (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards to further harmonise ICT risk management tools, methods, processes and policies as mandated under Articles 15 and 16(3) of DORA, page 46

This quote underlines the integration of ICT security policies within the broader risk management framework, providing detailed guidance on developing an effective ICT security culture as mandated by DORA. It accentuates the need for documented, comprehensive policies and protocols that enhance the digital operational resilience of financial entities.

ICT Asset Management Policy

Financial entities shall develop, document and implement a policy on management of ICT assets necessary to preserve the availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of data. (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards to further harmonise ICT risk management tools, methods, processes and policies as mandated under Articles 15 and 16(3) of DORA, page 49

The quote specifies the requirement for financial entities to manage ICT assets deliberately, upholding critical data characteristics, as per DORA’s principles. This contributes to the resilience of financial services by ensuring that the management of these assets aligns with the broader goals of promoting stability in the digital operational environment.

Vulnerability Management Procedures

Financial entities shall develop, document and implement vulnerability management procedures with a view to ensuring the security of networks against intrusions and data misuse. (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards to further harmonise ICT risk management tools, methods, processes and policies as mandated under Articles 15 and 16(3) of DORA, page 54

This extract specifies the necessity for established procedures that address threats and vulnerabilities in ICT systems, mapping directly to DORA’s directive for institutions to maintain robust management of ICT-related incidents. The proper documentation and execution of such procedures contribute to reducing systemic risk through prompt detection and management of potential intrusions and data misuse.

ICT Third-Party Service Provider Risk Management

For ICT assets or services operated by an ICT third-party service provider, the identification and implementation of requirements to maintain digital operational resilience…shall consider at least the following: (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards to further harmonise ICT risk management tools, methods, processes and policies as mandated under Articles 15 and 16(3) of DORA, page 56

The significance of this quote is in its explicit extension of DORA’s resilience requirements to the services and assets managed by third parties, accentuating the need for thorough risk considerations and management processes that include all ICT contributors, not just internally managed systems, in the broader operational resilience framework.

Protection of Cryptographic Keys

Financial entities shall identify and implement controls to protect cryptographic keys through their whole lifecycle against loss, unauthorised access, disclosure and modification. (Final Report on Draft) Regulatory Technical Standards to further harmonise ICT risk management tools, methods, processes and policies as mandated under Articles 15 and 16(3) of DORA, page 51

This statement highlights the specific directive under DORA that necessitates comprehensive controls for cryptographic keys to ensure their protection from various security threats during their entire lifecycle. Reflecting DORA’s focus on encryption and data security, it details part of the broader expectations for maintaining digital operational resilience within financial entities.

Each of these points adds a layer of specificity to the original analysis, offering clarity on how financial entities can implement the functional elements required to meet and maintain DORA’s operational standards for digital resilience.