Appointment of Management Board Member as DPO Under GDPR: Addressing Independence and Conflict of Interest.


Our medium to large organization is in the process of selecting a Data Protection Officer (DPO). We're considering a management board member for the DPO role, who is involved in decision-making about data processing but doesn't have sole control over these decisions. We don't have internal policies yet to address potential conflicts of interest for such an appointment. Is it possible to appoint this board member as our DPO while complying with GDPR? What measures should we implement to ensure the appointment meets the criteria for independence and conflict of interest prevention?

Executive Summary

In selecting a management board member as your Data Protection Officer (DPO), compliance with GDPR is nuanced. The independence and expertise of the DPO are pivotal. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Qualifications and Independence: A board member can fulfill the DPO position if they have the requisite data protection expertise and can maintain independence in their DPO-related duties.
  • Direct Reporting Structure: The DPO must report directly to the highest management level, ensuring unbiased advice on data protection matters.
  • Conflict of Interest Policies: Establish clear policies to prevent conflicts, especially around decision-making processes that the board member may influence.
  • Documentation of Independence: Maintain precise records to demonstrate the DPO’s independence in advising on and monitoring GDPR compliance.

These measures help ensure the DPO’s role is executed with the impartiality necessary to uphold your organization’s data protection obligations.

PDF Repository

We have searched through the PDF repository of ECJ rulings, European Data Protection Board guidelines, and other documents to provide this supplemental answer.


The supplementary information expands on the role of Data Protection Officers (DPOs) under the GDPR, focusing on conflicts of interest when considering a management board member for the DPO position. It emphasizes safeguards to preserve the DPO's autonomy and independence as required by GDPR regulations.

Legal trace

The absence of conflict of interests is closely linked to the requirement to act in an independent manner. Although DPOs are allowed to have other functions, they can only be entrusted with other tasks and duties provided that these do not give rise to conflicts of interests. This entails in particular that the DPO cannot hold a position within the organisation that leads him or her to determine the purposes and the means of the processing of personal data. Due to the specific organisational structure in each organisation, this has to be considered case by case.

As a rule of thumb, conflicting positions within the organisation may include senior management positions (such as chief executive, chief operating, chief financial, chief medical officer, head of marketing department, head of Human Resources or head of IT departments) but also other roles lower down in the organisational structure if such positions or roles lead to the determination of purposes and means of processing. In addition, a conflict of interests may also arise for example if an external DPO is asked to represent the controller or processor before the Courts in cases involving data protection issues.

Depending on the activities, size and structure of the organisation, it can be good practice for controllers or processors:

  • to identify the positions which would be incompatible with the function of DPO
  • to draw up internal rules to this effect in order to avoid conflicts of interests
  • to include a more general explanation about conflicts of interests
  • to declare that their DPO has no conflict of interests with regard to its function as a DPO, as a way of raising awareness of this requirement
  • to include safeguards in the internal rules of the organisation and to ensure that the vacancy notice for the position of DPO or the service contract is sufficiently precise and detailed in order to avoid a conflict of interests. In this context, it should also be borne in mind that conflicts of interests may take various forms depending on whether the DPO is recruited internally or externally. Guidelines on Data Protection Officers ('DPOs'), page 16

The above quote directly addresses the user’s concern about conflicts of interest when a member of the management board is being considered for the DPO role. It emphasizes the requirement for the DPO to act independently and not hold a position within the organization that could lead to determining the purposes and means of data processing. The guidance also suggests practical measures for an organization to implement, such as clear rules and position identification, to alleviate conflicts of interest concerns, which would be critical for the user’s situation.

Another example of direct reporting is the drafting of an annual report of the DPO’s activities provided to the highest management level. This recommendation aims at increasing the visibility of the DPO’s role within the controller’s or processor’s organisation. The report could provide an overview of the data protection management system, present data protection projects and issues, report on data protection compliance within the controller’s or processor’s organisation, recommend or instigate improvements and serve as a basis for discussion with the management.

Penalties are only prohibited under the GDPR if they are imposed as a result of the DPO carrying out his or her duties as a DPO. For example, a DPO may consider that a particular processing is likely to result in a high risk and advise the controller or the processor to carry out a data protection impact assessment but the controller or the processor does not agree with the DPO’s assessment. In such a situation, the DPO cannot be dismissed for providing this advice.

Penalties may take a variety of forms and may be direct or indirect. They could consist, for example, of absence or delay of promotion; prevention from career advancement; denial from benefits that other employees receive. It is not necessary that these penalties be actually carried out, a mere threat is sufficient as long as they are used to penalise the DPO on grounds related to his/her DPO activities. Guidelines on Data Protection Officers ('DPOs'), page 15

This excerpt clarifies the protections in place for a DPO related to independence and reporting, underscoring the importance of direct communication with the highest levels of management to foster a data protection culture. It also explains the boundaries protecting the DPO from penalization, which could heavily influence internal policy formulation regarding the appointment and support of a DPO.

The DPO, whether mandatory or voluntary, is designated for all the processing operations carried out by the controller or the processor. (…). The concept, under the applicable national laws, typically also includes a range of other bodies governed by public law.

A public task may be carried out, and public authority may be exercised not only by public authorities or bodies but also by other natural or legal persons governed by public or private law, in sectors such as, according to national regulation of each Member State, public transport services, water and energy supply, road infrastructure, public service broadcasting, public housing or disciplinary bodies for regulated professions.

In these cases, data subjects may be in a very similar situation to when their data are processed by a public authority or body. In particular, data can be processed for similar purposes and individuals often have similarly little or no choice over whether and how their data will be processed and may thus require the additional protection that the designation of a DPO can bring. Guidelines on Data Protection Officers ('DPOs'), page 6

The context provided here indicates that the role of a DPO is not limited to the public sector but extends to private entities performing public tasks or exercising public authority. This information might help the user understand the importance of a DPO’s designation even in sectors not typically associated with public data processing, reinforcing the broad scope of influence a DPO might have within an organization.

‘3. The controller and processor shall ensure that the [DPO] does not receive any instructions regarding the exercise of those tasks. [The DPO] shall not be dismissed or penalised by the controller or the processor for performing his tasks. The [DPO] shall directly report to the highest management level of the controller or processor. (…).’

‘6. The [DPO] may fulfil other tasks and duties. The controller or processor shall ensure that any such tasks and duties do not result in a conflict of interests.’ Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 9 February 2023, page 3

The mentioned excerpt from the GDPR reinforces the standards of independence, non-penalization, and protection from dismissal that must be guaranteed by the organization to its DPO. This protection is a consideration to keep in mind if a management board member assumes the role of a DPO, as it might entail redefining some aspects of their current position to avoid any potential conflicts of interest.