AI in IT: GDPR-Related Issues


What are the problems with AI in IT based on GDPR ?

Executive Summary

Addressing GDPR issues with AI in the IT sector is critical due to the rigid data protection requirements. The following summary outlines the major challenges and obligations entrepreneurs need to tackle:

  • Personal Data and Transparency: AI must comply with GDPR’s broad definition of personal data and the need for transparent processing, creating a challenge due to the complexity of AI systems.
  • Controller and Processor Responsibilities: Both AI system designers (controllers) and those operating the systems (processors) are obliged to show GDPR compliance in technical and organizational measures.
  • Consent and Data Subject Rights: AI systems must have mechanisms to obtain and demonstrate consent from users and support their rights in data management, despite AI’s inherent complexity in providing such transparency.
  • Automated Decision-Making and Design Protocols: AI faces restrictions in automated decision-making, requiring options for human oversight. Furthermore, systems must integrate data protection by design, including encryption and pseudonymization.
  • Legality and Sensitive Data: Processing must be lawful, with AI operations often needing to rely on contracts or legitimate interests, and must be particularly cautious when handling sensitive categories of personal data.


  1. Scope of AI Applications: Assume that AI applications in IT cover data analytics, predictive modeling, and automated decision-making systems, which are typical uses with prominent GDPR implications.

  2. Specific GDPR Concerns: Assume the user is interested in a broad overview of GDPR issues, including but not limited to consent requirements, automated decision-making, profiling, and data subject rights such as access and rectification.

  3. AI Operational Context: Assume that AI systems are operated by organizations that could function both as data controllers and processors, necessitating a comprehensive GDPR compliance strategy.

  4. Nature of Issues: Assume the user seeks information on legal and compliance issues that AI might face around processing personal data under GDPR.

PDF Repository

We have searched through the PDF repository of ECJ rulings, European Data Protection Board guidelines, and other documents to provide this supplemental answer.


In furtherance of our previous discussion on the challenges of AI in IT environments under the GDPR regime, we now delve deeper into specific aspects and implications of GDPR's provisions on profiling, automated decision-making, and individual rights. The following legal excerpts will highlight pertinent considerations for AI development and use within the prescribed legal framework.

Legal trace

Expanded Interpretation of Profiling and Its Sector-Specific Implications

Profiling and automated decision-making are used in an increasing number of sectors, both private and public. Banking and finance, healthcare, taxation, insurance, marketing and advertising are just a few examples of the fields where profiling is being carried out more regularly to aid decision-making. Guidelines on Automated individual decision-making and Profiling for the purposes of Regulation 2016/679, page 5

The prevalence of profiling in sectors like banking, finance, and healthcare illustrates the expansive reach of AI systems that needs to align with GDPR’s standards. This context clarifies for clients which industries are significantly impacted by GDPR regulations and underscores the importance of compliance across diverse applications of AI.

Controllers can carry out profiling and automated decision-making as long as they can meet all the principles and have a lawful basis for the processing. Additional safeguards and restrictions apply in the case of solely automated decision-making, including profiling, defined in Article 22(1). Guidelines on Automated individual decision-making and Profiling for the purposes of Regulation 2016/679, page 9

This statement lays out the foundational requirement for AI systems regarding lawful bases for profiling and automated decision-making. It links directly to our original analysis, emphasizing the necessity for AI systems to not only establish a lawful basis but also adhere strictly to GDPR’s principles and incorporate requisite safeguards.

Constraints and Rights in Profiling and Special Category Data

Profiling can create special category data by inference from data which is not special category data in its own right but becomes so when combined with other data. Guidelines on Automated individual decision-making and Profiling for the purposes of Regulation 2016/679, page 15

The transformation of standard data into a special category through AI profiling processes implicates additional GDPR obligations and places constraints on AI systems. This insight builds upon our initial analysis by delineating the careful handling required when profiling leads to the generation of sensitive data categories.

Human Oversight and the Rule of Law in AI Decisions

The data subject shall have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling… Guidelines on Automated individual decision-making and Profiling for the purposes of Regulation 2016/679, page 19

Here, we see GDPR’s stipulation for human oversight in AI decision-making, reinforcing our original answer’s point on automated decision-making. It highlights the protection afforded to individuals against decisions made without human intervention, an essential consideration for ethical and legally compliant AI operations.

Addressing Bias, Protecting Children, and Ensuring Compliance Mechanisms

Controllers should carry out frequent assessments on the data sets they process to check for any bias, and develop ways to address any prejudicial elements, including any over-reliance on correlations. Guidelines on Automated individual decision-making and Profiling for the purposes of Regulation 2016/679, page 28

The predisposition towards bias in AI systems necessitates active assessment and strategic measures to mitigate potential discrimination. This quote complements our main analysis’s exploration of GDPR’s requirements by detailing the ongoing responsibilities AI controllers have to monitor and correct for biases within the data sets they utilize.

Synthesizing Insights for a Robust GDPR-Aligned AI Strategy

These excerpts, distilled from extensive GDPR-focused documents, enhance our understanding of the regulation’s reach, the detailed obligations it places on AI systems, and the rights it affords to individuals. They collectively inform on crafting a comprehensive GDPR-aligned strategy for AI in IT, emphasizing sector-specific implications, lawful bases, transparency, human oversight, and the proactive steps necessary to ensure bias-free, ethical AI systems.