Operational and Security Requirements for Digital Asset Custodians under MiCA


What's the role of digital asset custodians under MiCA and the specific operational and security requirements they must fulfill.

Executive Summary

Digital asset custodians are key players under the MiCA regulation, required to meet certain standards to ensure the security and integrity of crypto-asset services. Here’s a succinct summary of their roles and obligations:

  • Roles Defined Under MiCA: Custodians are recognized as crypto-asset service providers addressing services related to holding or controlling of crypto-assets, thereby subject to thorough MiCA regulation adherence.
  • Operational Excellence and Personnel Qualifications: Management of custodians must be reputable and skilled, with robust internal rules for securing and controlling client assets, emphasizing the safety and segregation of client assets.
  • Risk Management and Ethics: Custodians are to establish effective policies preventing conflicts of interest, ensuring transparency and client asset protection, particularly during insolvency events.
  • Sustainability Concerns: Incorporating environmental and sustainability evaluations into their operations, custodians must consider eco-friendly solutions and transparently disclose any adverse impacts.

Overall, digital asset custodians under MiCA are critical to maintaining trust and stability in the EU crypto-asset market, upholding high security, management, and operational standards.


  1. Digital Asset Custodians Definition: Assume these refer to any entity within the EU that provides services to safeguard private cryptographic keys on behalf of their customers, to hold, store and transfer virtual currencies (similar to the definition under the Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive).

  2. Operational and Security Requirements Scope: Assume the user is inquiring about the full range of requirements that custodians must fulfill as regulated by MiCA, including but not limited to, cybersecurity, governance, and risk management.

  3. Services Covered: Assume the query pertains to custodianship of all crypto-assets within the scope of MiCA, without limitation to specific asset classes.