Find arguments supporting and opposing the adequacy of standard contractual clauses (SCCs) for data transfer to third countries post-Schrems II ruling.

Source Documents

CJEU: Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Ltd, Maximillian Schrems C-311/18

Judgment Jul 16, 2020 🇪🇺 CJEU

Recommendations on measures supplementing transfer tools

Guidelines Jun 18, 2021 🇪🇺 EDPB

Protection of Personal Data

Other Nov 1, 2021 🇪🇺 CJEU

Application Article 3 GDPR Transfers

Guidelines Feb 14, 2023 🇪🇺 EDPB

Guidance on the use of cloud

Guidelines Mar 1, 2022 🇩🇰 Datatilsynet

Recommendations on European Essential Guarantees

Guidelines Nov 10, 2020 🇪🇺 EDPB

Guidance Organisations Engaging Cloud Providers

Guidelines Oct 1, 2019 🇮🇪 DPC

CJEU: European Parliament v Council of the European Union, Commission of the European Communities C-317/04 and C-318/04

Judgment May 30, 2006 🇪🇺 CJEU

CJEU: Maximillian Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner C-362/14

Judgment Oct 6, 2015 🇪🇺 CJEU

CJEU: OT v Vyriausioji tarnybinės etikos komisija C-184/20

Judgment Aug 1, 2022 🇪🇺 CJEU

Found quotes

CJEU: Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Ltd, Maximillian Schrems

Recommendations on measures supplementing transfer tools

Protection of Personal Data

Application Article 3 GDPR Transfers

Guidance on the use of cloud

Recommendations on European Essential Guarantees

Guidance Organisations Engaging Cloud Providers

CJEU: European Parliament v Council of the European Union, Commission of the European Communities

CJEU: Maximillian Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner

CJEU: OT v Vyriausioji tarnybinės etikos komisija