Our company operates in Sweden, France and Poland. We send information about our employees from one country to another for things like payroll and job assignments. We're considering expansion to Ukraine and hire people locally there. What are the main things we need to do to make sure we're handling our employees' personal information correctly across those countries?

Source Documents

Guidelines on Data Protection Impact Assessment

Guidelines Oct 4, 2017 🇪🇺 Art29

Territorial scope of the GDPR

Guidelines Nov 12, 2019 🇪🇺 EDPB

Practice Guide GDPR: Security of Personal Data

Guidelines Jan 1, 2024 🇫🇷 CNIL

Guidance on the use of cloud

Guidelines Mar 1, 2022 🇩🇰 Datatilsynet

Concepts of Controller and Processor GDPR

Guidelines Sep 2, 2020 🇪🇺 EDPB

Guide to Privacy by Design

Guidelines Oct 1, 2019 🇪🇸 AEPD

Identifying Controller Processor Supervisory Authority

Guidelines Mar 28, 2023 🇪🇺 EDPB

CJEU: Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Ltd, Maximillian Schrems C-311/18

Judgment Jul 16, 2020 🇪🇺 CJEU

Guidelines on DPOs

Guidelines Dec 13, 2016 🇪🇺 Art29

Responsible Blockchain Use and Data

Guidelines Sep 1, 2018 🇫🇷 CNIL

Found quotes

Guidelines on Data Protection Impact Assessment

Territorial scope of the GDPR

Practice Guide GDPR: Security of Personal Data

Guidance on the use of cloud

Concepts of Controller and Processor GDPR

Guide to Privacy by Design

Identifying Controller Processor Supervisory Authority

CJEU: Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Ltd, Maximillian Schrems

Guidelines on DPOs

Responsible Blockchain Use and Data